Super Curriculum
Working together, we help pupils develop a growth mindset approach to any challenges they may face.
As a school founded upon Christian principles, we believe in and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual and encourage all members of our community to show respect for all.
School Anthem
Lead me Lord, lead me in Thy righteousness,
Make Thy way plain before my face;
For it is Thou, Lord; Thou, Lord, only,
That makest me dwell in safety.
The anthem of Cookstown High School points to and is firmly rooted in the school’s Christian ethos. Our anthem does not heap praise on the school or the achievements of past pupils. It is a simple hymn asking for God’s leadership in our lives and acknowledges that it is only through His leadership that we can live truly happy, fulfilled lives.
We seek the development of Character through Knowledge believing each individual has a duty to build a community, to strive to do their best, to show compassion for those in need, and to take responsibility for their own words and actions. Fostering resilience, pupils gain insight into their responses and behaviour, as they persevere along the journey.
We want to see our pupils not only succeed academically, but to thrive in all areas of their life, so they can live intentional, extraordinary lives. Within such a positive learning culture, we can take a more proactive approach to mental wellbeing, ensuring each student feels a sense of belonging and has the opportunity to grow in a safe and supportive environment.
Our well-being platform is one way we provide support to our pupils and their families as they navigate through challenging times. This platform provides an easy way to seek help for themselves or others and offers other helpful resources and tools. We trust you find support and guidance in the materials provided in this online area.