To develop the full potential of each pupil by promoting a sense of personal achievement and enjoyment in the pursuit of academic and vocational excellence.
To enable pupils to gain qualifications relevant to further education, higher education, employment and adult life in a rapidly changing world.
To create a caring school community in which staff and pupils live and work together in mutual respect and in which the personal problems of individuals receive a sympathetic and understanding hearing.
To set high expectations for learning, behaviour and dress code.
To help pupils acquire self-discipline, self respect, self confidence and a wide range of knowledge and skills.
To help pupils communicate by effective use of language, written, spoken and electronic.
To create an awareness and develop an understanding and tolerance of other ways of life.
To help pupils, through their studies, to an aesthetic appreciation of human achievements in the Arts and Sciences and to encourage exploration of their own personal creativity.
To help pupils appreciate the importance of physical and intellectual pursuits outside the classroom.